Launch a session

dlv debug works like go run, it will build an run a GO package

dlv exec will start a seesion with a precompiled binary, in order to properly debug a binary, it shoud be compiled with optimizations disablesd, eg. with -gcflags="all=-N -l"

dlv attach will attach to a PID of a runnig Go binary

Delve commands in a debugging session

print, p

whatis will print the datatype of an expression

locals will print all variables in the current execution step

args will print the current fucntion’s arguments

vars will print the avaliable package variables

funcs will print the avaliable functions

types will print the avaliable types

list display the code around the current execution step or a specific linespec.


break, b:

  • Break at a specific line, sucn as break main.go:15
  • Break at a relative point int a file break +5
  • Whenever a function is called or defined, as break main.myfunc

breakpoints, bp: display all breakpoints along with their IDs.

condition, cond: set smarter stop conditions and not halt execution in a specific line, but whenever a given condition is met.

clear and clear all can be used to clear a specific or all breakpoints.

trace: a breakpoint that doesn’t halt execution, but print message whenever eht execution passes through that point

Move one step at a time!

continue, c runs until the next breakpoint or program termination

next, n N steps over N source lines, staying int the same function

step, s performs a single step forward in the application. If the next step is another fucntion, it will descent to its call.

stepout, so steps out of the current function

restart restart the debugging session, but keeps breakpoints and conditions